Digging through old files and came across this envelope with my old old old boss’ handwriting on it and found photos of the very first significant project I worked on, probably about 20 years ago! She had printed some photos for me – but probably just at Kinko’s because the resolution isn’t crisp. I bet they were photocopies of her professional prints, since this project would have been photographed on film, rather than digital. Am I that old?!
The project was in Rancho Bernardo – which at the time I had no idea where Rancho Bernardo was! Our office was in Solana Beach and I remember winding through Rancho Santa Fe and quiet country roads through agriculture land to get here. No 56 freeway, no 4S Ranch and Santaluz, etc. Funny that now I live and work in this area and drive past this neighborhood often and remember this house/project with more detail than I do most.
From what I remember, the clients had hired an architect originally but he had passed away and the project was on hold with mostly complete plans. The designer I worked for was hired to help select finish materials and fixtures, working with the client and the GC to get the project moving forward again. But the kitchen layout really bothered us. This is where my talents got to shine, as there was some significant space reconfiguration to make this open kitchen layout with island, and tuck in a powder room nearby. I had the inspiration for the raised glass bar height dining surface floating above the island.
I remember distinctly doing the cabinet drawings and details for the custom tv wall – working out the proportions and shapes and lines to have the functional technology requested by the client, and the design aesthetic that worked with the style of the home overall. Likewise the powder room vanity. This was a real treat to be a part of. The space was very small and uniquely shaped, but I found a way to create balance and symmetry and dynamic dimension.
Robbie and I enjoyed working together for many years early in my career, balancing each other’s skills. I was stolen away by Gatling Design and Robbie was a new mom by the time she won this award for the powder room. But we remain in contact and she even pulled me back into designing with her after several years ago as I had taken a break as a new mom myself. She has been a mentor, and a cheerleader, both in my professional and personal life for over 20 years.